Currently TIFR is fully funded by the Government of India. But government funds has certain limitations. Like other premier institutions, TIFR is also actively seeking participation from industrialists, philanthropists to supplement government funds with private ones. Such a partnership will, in the long run, be mutually beneficial to both the parties.
TIFR’s Alumni can contribute to this effort in a big way. Apart from direct participation, you could also help by involving your contacts in the corporate field. The benefits of higher education that you have gained while in TIFR should also be made available to the younger researchers.
TIFR has received exemption from income-tax u/s 35(i)(ii) of the Income-tax Act 1962. Amounts contributed to TIFR from Indian funds will enjoy this exemption. It can also fulfil all legal requirements for funds received from foreign sources.
TAA invites you to participate in this exercise and join hands to make meaningful and substantial contribution to its Endowment Fund.