1. Name Of The Association
The Association shall be called the "TIFR ALUMNI ASSOCIATION" (hereinafter
referred to as "THE ASSOCIATION or (+)TIFRAA"), of the Tata Institute of Fundamental
Research, hereafter referred to as the Institute, and its Office shall be located at the
Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, (TIFR) Colaba, Mumbai 400 005.
2. Aims And Objectives
The aims and objectives for which the Association is established are:-
- To provide a forum for members of the Association for interaction and to sustain a
sense of belonging amongst the members of the Association with TIFR through
mutually beneficial contacts
- To provide avenues for drawing upon the knowledge and expertise of the alumni for
furthering the cause of the Institute as a leading Center of Excellence
- To foster linkages amongst the alumni and to promote personal and friendly relations
through meetings and get-togethers among members of the Association.
- To collect, publish and distribute such information as may be useful to members of
the Association.
- To undertake all such activities as are incidental or conducive to the attainment of
the above aims and objectives.
3. Financial Year
The Financial year of the Association shall be from April 1st to March 31st.
4. Membership
The membership of the Association shall be open to:
- Anyone who has acquired a degree from TIFR, OR
- Anyone who acquired a degree before 2002 from any University provided their work
leading to the degree was done in TIFR, OR
- Anyone who spent more than 2 years as a JRF in TIFR and whose salary/emoluments
were paid by TIFR even if such a person did not obtain his/her degree from TIFR, OR
- Any ex-member who has worked at the Institute for at least 2 years as a member of
academic staff or as a scientific officer and is no longer with the Institute OR
- Any ex-member who has worked in the Institute as a post-doctoral visiting fellow for
at least one year, OR
- Any serving academic, scientific or technical staff shall be entitled to become
“Associate Member” of TAA, subject to payment of membership fee as decided by
the Executive Committee of TAA from time to time. Such members shall continue to
enjoy all rights as regular TAA members. They shall automatically become regular
members of TIFR after superannuation.
5. Management Of The Association
- The Management of the Association shall be vested in an Executive Committee. It
shall consist of not less than 11 and not more than 15 members and shall be
constituted as follows:
- The President of the Association, shall be elected at the triannual or Special General
Meeting called for the purpose;
- Director of the Institute and another member of the Institute to be nominated by
the Director as ex-officio members (this member need not be a member of the
- Eight members to be elected at the triannual or Special General Meeting called for
the purpose
- The President and at least half of the rest of the members of the Executive
Committee shall not be current members of TIFR.
- The Executive Committee may co-opt up to 4 members.
- The elected members of the EC may co-opt up to 10 additional members into the
EC, from among existing members of the TAA attached to TIFR (Mumbai) as well as
to the other Centres associated to TIFR (namely, HBCSE, NCRA, NCBS, CAM, ICTS
and TCIS). It is desirable that there be at least one member be co-opted from each
- One of the co-opted-members must be a currently registered student, who must be
an Associate Member of TAA.
6. Membership and Payment Of Subscription
- Any person satisfying Article 4 will be eligible to be a member and shall become a
member on the payment of the membership fee. There shall be a one-time Life
Membership fee of Rs.2200/- for residents of India and Rs 2500/- for those staying
outside India, which may be changed by the General Body from time to time.
7. Executive Committee Of The Association
The Executive Committee shall elect from among their members the following
- Vice President
- Secretary
- Jt. Secretary
- Treasurer
The Secretary and Treasurer shall be Mumbai based TIFR staff members
8. Sub Committee
- The Executive Committee may appoint from time to time from among its members
such Sub-Committee, or partly from among its Members and partly from among the
Members of the Association such Special Committee as may be required, and shall
prescribe the terms of reference, powers and privileges of such Sub-committee or
Special Committee.
9. Bank Account & Investments
- Any two persons (and not less than two), being (i) the Treasurer and (ii) either the President, the Vice President,
the Secretary, or a named member of the Executive Committee of TIFRAA, , shall jointly operate the Association's Bank account.
- The Association's investments and any other property shall be held in the names of
the Association
- he Executive Committee may also, by resolution, designate three Members of the
Association to sign any documents, etc., other than those referred to in paragraph
(a) and (b) of this Article, on behalf of and binding on the Association. Every such
designation shall be specific, and shall cease after completion of its purpose.
10. Accounts to be Held in the Name of the Association
- All accounts in banks or any other institutions shall be held in the name of the
Association as prescribed in Article 9 abovee
11. Meetings of the Executive Committee
- The Executive Committee shall meet as often as may be necessary, but not less than
twice every year to transact the business of the Association. The President shall
preside at such meetings. In his absence, the Vice-President shall preside, and in the
absence of the President and the Vice-President, the members present at the
meeting shall elect one amongst themselves to preside.
- Any elected or co-opted Member of the Committee absenting from three
consecutive committee meetings without prior intimation shall be deemed to have
vacated the respective office.
12. Quorum
Five members shall form a QUORUM for Executive Committee meetings. If there is
no quorum in the meeting, the presiding person may decide on the place and time of
the next meeting for which no quorum will be required.
At least ten days' notice shall be given for a meeting of the EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE.
The meeting shall be convened by the Secretary designated for the purpose, in
consultation with the President and the Director of the Institute. Any five Members of the Executive Committee may require the Secretary to call a meeting of the Committee by requisition in writing, stating the object for which they desire that the
meeting be called, and thereupon the Secretary shall proceed to do so. In the event
of the Secretary failing to convene such meeting within thirty days after receipt of
the requisition by him, the members who requested for the meeting may themselves
convene a meeting of the Committee after due notice.
14. Annual General Body Meeting
The Annual General Meeting of the Association shall be held every year not later
than 15 months after the holding of the previous Annual General Meeting to
transact the following business: -
- To consider the Annual Report and Audited Statement of Accounts.
- To elect the President and other members of the Executive Committee at the
triannual General Meeting of the Association, unless this election was already held
during the year at a Special General Meeting called for the purpose
- To appoint Auditor or Auditors and to fix their remuneration, if any;
- To consider any other matter on the agenda
15. Advance Intimation Of AGM
- A notice convening the ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING shall be sent, together with the
Agenda by the Secretary, to each Member at least fourteen days before the date of
the meeting.
- The notice of any motion to be proposed at the Annual General Meeting shall be
sent to the Secretary at least 15 days in advance, so that it may be included in the
agenda of a subsequent meeting.
16. Presiding at the Meeting of AGM
- The President, and in his absence, the Vice-President, shall preside at such meeting.
In the absence of both of them, those present shall elect one amongst themselves
to preside.
17. Quorum For AGM
THE QUORUM shall be thirty members. In the event of there being no quorum at
the time and place appointed for a General Meeting, the same may be held by
those present to be adjourned at the same place to a time 15 minutes later on the
same day. At such an adjourned meeting the business on the agenda may
thereafter be transacted, even if there is no quorum.
18. Procedure At Meetings
Article 16 and 19 shall apply to all meetings, unless specifically mentioned otherwise
19. Procedure At Elections
- All matters at any General Body Meeting, except the election of the President and
elected 8 members of the Executive Committee, shall be determined by show of
hands, or if challenged, by a division, and no voting by proxy shall be permitted.
- Election of the President and Secretary shall be through a mail ballot
- In case of equality of votes in both (a) and (b), the person presiding over the
Meeting shall have a casting vote in addition to his own vote.
20. Returning Officer For Elections
The Executive Committee will decide on the appointment of returning officer(s),
and the procedure for receiving and counting of votes etc. The returning officer
shall be responsible for receiving nominations, sending out the ballots, receiving the
responses, counting and announcement of results.
21. Special General Body Meeting Called BY Members
Twenty five (25) members of the Association may request the Secretary to call a
Special General Meeting by a requisition in writing, stating the objective for which
they desire that the meeting be called, and thereupon the Secretary shall proceed to do so after consultation with the Executive Committee. In the event of the Secretary failing to convene such meeting within 60 days of the receipt of the requisition, the members requesting the meeting may themselves convene a Special General Meeting on due notice.
22. Special General Body Meeting Called by TAA Executive Committee
Notwithstanding anything contained in Article 21, the Managing Committee shall be
entitled to call a Special General Body Meeting for carrying out the purposes of
these Articles and of the Association. The notice, quorum and all procedural aspects
relating to such Special General Body Meeting shall be the same as those provided
in these Articles, in respect of Annual General Body Meetings.
23. Amendments to The Constitution
- Amendments to the Constitution of the Association as formulated in these Articles
may be made from time to time by the General Body assembled in any Annual or
Special General Body Meeting, provided there is always at least two-thirds of the
members present and entitled to vote at a meeting shall vote in favor of such
- Article 16 and 17 above shall be complied with for holding such Special General
Body Meeting for consideration of any proposal of amendment. At such Meeting
the QUORUM shall be thirty
- Any proposal of amendment shall be circulated along with the notice convening the
meeting for the purpose.
24. Dissolution OF The Association
- A proposal for the dissolution of the Association shall be considered at a Special
General Meeting called exclusively for the purpose, and shall be determined by not
less than a three-quarters majority of the Members present and entitled to vote.
- The QUORUM for such a meeting shall be one-third of the number of Members on
the Register of the Association
- The proposal, if carried by such a majority, shall be required to be confirmed by a
like majority and a like quorum at a subsequent Special General Meeting, called
exclusively for the purpose of confirmation, to be held not earlier than 60 days from
the date of the previous meeting.
- In the event of dissolution, the funds and assets of the Association shall be
transferred to the Tata Institute of Fundamental Research Endowment Fund.